"The first stage [of the spiritual life] is praktiki or the practice of the virtues; the second stage is physiki or the contemplation of nature; the third and final stage, our journey’s end, is theologia or  “theology” in the strict sense of the word, that is, the contemplation of God himself...At this third stage, no longer does the Christian experience God solely through the intermediary of his conscience or of created things, but he meets the Creator face to face in an unmediated union of love."     Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia

Saint Barbara Fellowship

Designed to meet the needs of parishioners over the age of thirty-five, this gathering of faithful, provides parishioners with an opportunity to deepen their spiritual lives, socialize, network, and be engaged in community activities.  This fellowship sponsors and participates in many different social events, seminars, retreats and community service activities.

Bible Study

Bible Study classes are offered by Rev. Joel McEachen on a weekly basis, usually on Monday evenings, throughout the year to provide parishioners with the opportunity to closely study the Bible and better understand its meaning.

In recent years the group has studied the Biblical Prophecies of the Nativity and the Resurrection; the Book of Joel as an example; and the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans;  and the history and development of the Church beginning with the Book of Acts up to and including the seven Ecumenical Councils. 

Adult Greek Language School

This specifically designed program meets weekly and is offered on two learning levels, providing parishioners with an opportunity to learn the Greek Language, at a pace that is right for every participant.

Greek Cooking Classes

The Saint Barbara Ladies Philoptochos Society offers Greek cooking classes throughout the year. These classes provide a wonderful opportunity for both seasoned and novice chefs to learn how to cook traditional Greek delicacies.  Our expert instructors lead you through a virtual pantheon of Greek culinary expression!  

The Greek Cooking Classes are typically divided into four sessions.  You may sign up for all four sessions at a discounted rate - or attend just the particular class in which you are interested.  For more details concerning dates, times and sessions contact the Church office.   

The Ministry 

The Ministry is the church publication which is mailed to all parishioners, in a newsprint form, that delivers a message of hope to each household throughout the year.  The current edition as well as past publications many be viewed on our parish web site.

Book & Icon Store

The Book & Icon Store has an extensive selection of relevant Orthodox literature and icons for all ages which has proven to be an excellent resource for all families of the community. 

Cultural Events & Lectures

The community has sponsored a variety of cultural events and lectures including several informative parent resource presentations.  

Family Retreats & Seminars

The Saint Barbara parish has sponsored many adult retreats featuring various guest lecturers of the Orthodox faith.  

Teaching Liturgy

The Saint Barbara parish celebrates a ‘Teaching Divine Liturgy’ bi-annually that provides parishioners with a wonderful opportunity to get a better understanding of the Divine Liturgy.  A recorded copy of past Teaching Liturgies can be found on our parish’s You Tube Channel.

Church Tours & Lectures

Father Peter, Father Joel, Father  Steven and other parishioners conduct tours and lectures of the Orthodox Church both during the Odyssey Festival, and throughout the year. Our community has hosted students from Yale University and the University of New Haven, as well as providing lectures to many local High School Classes.

Summer Institute

The Department of Religious Education and the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians host a bi-annual retreat on the ground of Hellenic College/Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology.  The summer institute provides a retreat from the demands of daily life and allows participants to spend time sharing fresh ideas and the latest insights for handing forward the Orthodox Faith and Tradition to young people. The Summer Institute, provides learning opportunities on two tracks. One is designed for Sunday church school teachers and supervisors, youth ministers, and anyone interested in teaching the faith. The second track is designed for Church musicians, choir directors and singers, youth choir leaders, or anyone interested in creating opportunities for young people to learn the musical heritage of the Greek Orthodox Church. 


Upcoming Events: 

Registration Forms 

Sunday School

Greek Language School

Adult Greek Language School



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