Young Adult League (Y.A.L.)

The Young Adult League consists of adults, single or married, over the age of twenty-one who gather to enjoy the fellowship of one another.  YAL is part of a network of other YAL groups in the tri-state region and throughout the United States.  Its focus is on the four characteristics of Christian life: Liturgia (our relationship with God through worship and Sacramental life); Martyria (living and witnessing of Christianity to others within the faith, to those who may have left the faith, and to those outside the faith); Diakonia (living in the image of God by loving and serving mankind); Koinonia (the way in which an Orthodox Christian brings their faith into their daily and social life).  

D.A.D. Young Adult Conference

Saint Barbara Greek Orthodox Church played host to the 2012 Direct Archdiocesan District Young Adult Conference over the weekend of October 19-21. The theme was “Integrating LIFE Into My Life”. The conference was attended by over 70 young adults and featured speeches by prominent men and women of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, world-class universities and affiliated organizations. There were service activities, prayers and worship services.  You can find recording of the lectures delivered during the 2012 Conference on our Parish web site.  

The 2013 Conference is being hosted by the Saint Paul Cathedral in Hempstead, Long Island.

Emerging Leaders

The vision of the Emerging Leadership Ministry is to amplify the voice of our young adults and to continue their involvement in the life of our parish.  This group meets on a regular basis and seeks to establish activities and strategies to engage with their peers and respond to the needs of contemporary professionals who seek to engage more fully with the Church.

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Adult Greek Language School



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