The Golden Years Ministry Group of our parish is a very active group consisting of individuals over the age of fifty, although we have a number of parishioners under that age that join in on the fun!  The members of this group ministry are vital to the activities and life-line of our parish.  Many volunteer their time during our Summer Camp Program, serve in our choir, Philoptochos, AHEPA, Parish Council, Endowment Fund and participate in many other parish ministries and committees.  They work diligently for the success of our Odyssey Festival inspiring us all through their example and faith.  Many of the ministries extended to this group are described in the other sections of this Ministry Resource Guide but are not listed here simply to avoid repetition.

Golden Years Luncheons

The members of the Saint Barbara Golden Years Ministry group gather once a month to enjoy one another’s fellowship and share a lovingly prepared meal by our master volunteer parish chefs!  Approximately one hundred of our parishioners participate in these wonderful gatherings, many of which are sponsored, each month and revel in the opportunity to ‘catch up’ and share a meal with life-long friends.

Golden Years Trips

Our parish sponsors various ventures for the members of our Golden Years ministry, offering many trips to New York City to enjoy Broadway Plays and lunch at a number of Manhattan’s best Restaurants.  We have also enjoyed trips to Montréal, Rhode Island and Boston.

These trips are advertised through the Sunday Bulletins and at the Monthly Luncheons and are a lot of fun!

Upcoming Events: 

Registration Forms 

Sunday School

Greek Language School

Adult Greek Language School



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